Find the Profile Plan That Suits You


Ready To Get Started?

Take the first step by scheduling your FREE consultation with a professional weight loss coach. During this time, you will receive an easy-to-follow, custom nutrition plan based on your preferences, dietary restrictions, medical condition, and goals.

Plan Features

  • A custom nutrition plan based on your goals
  • Exclusive access to our Member Group
  • Access to the Profile Journey App
  • Variety of educational lifestyle lessons
  • Unlimited virtual 1-on-1 weight loss coaching & support
  • Delicious foods auto-shipped directly to your doorstep

HMR 40th Anniv FA-01 (1)

Sustainable weight loss and lifestyle change is possible when you have the right support and a meal plan that is customized just for you.

Ready to learn more?

Schedule your free consultation with a certified health coach to see if this program could work for you. If you decide to give it a try, your coach will set you up with an easy-to-follow, custom nutrition plan based on your preferences, dietary restrictions, medical conditions, and goals. Take the first step to a healthier you today!

Plan Features

  • A custom nutrition plan based on your goals
  • Exclusive access to the Profile Member Group
  • Access to the Profile Journey App
  • Variety of educational lifestyle lessons
  • Unlimited virtual 1-on-1 weight loss coaching & support
  • Delicious HMR foods auto-shipped directly to your doorstep

How Profile at Home Works

Get access to all of the tools and resources you need to get healthy from anywhere.


Get a Custom Meal Plan

Meet with a certified health coach to get matched with a custom meal plan and order your food.


Start Losing Weight

It’s as easy as that! Your health coach will be with you every step of the way to make sure your are staying on track and reaching both your on and off-scale goals!

Introducing our most personalized plans ever:

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Plan Benefits

1-on-1 Health Coaching
Access to the Profile Journey App
Weekly Behavior Change Lessons
Access to 220+ Custom Plan Options
Personalized Weight Loss Plan
Smart Body Scale App Integration
3D Body Scans (At Select Locations)
Friends and Family Referral Rewards
Profile 15% Weight Loss Promise*

Plan Name

Unlimited Support

Plan Name

Digital Support Only

Plan Name

No Additional Support